The Discipline Sub-Committee provides “Friends” for contributing members who find themselves subject of The Complaints Procedure. In addition to the national courses and seminars that they have all attended they also have good working relationships with the Federation Solicitors, Slater & Gordon.
Friends are able to advise and assist any contributing member subject of a complaint. They will also liaise with the force’s Performance and Standards Unit on your behalf, with a view to keeping you updated with the progress of your case.
If you find yourself in need of a Friend in the first instance contact the Federation Office on 01785 242215 or extension 5360/1.
A member has the right to consult with this "friend" at all stages of the investigation. It is important to seek advice at the earliest possible stage and certainly prior to making any formal statement.
The full extent of the allegation may not be known until the service of a notice in writing is made. This notice should be made under what is currently Regulation 9 of the Police Conduct Regulations 1999. It is accepted that other than in exceptional circumstances this notice should be served very shortly after receipt of the allegation.