For the attention of retired officers who are in the group insurance. As stated in the insurance policy once you reach the age of 65 years the travel insurance is no longer part of the group insurance and is a stand-alone cover. Please contact the Federation office should you require any further information. The travel insurance can be brought from the Federation Office.
Please contact Deb on 01785 242215
On behalf of Staffordshire Police Federation, George Burrows has arranged a group insurance scheme for serving officers, retired officers and their partners.
The scheme provides the following cover at a competitive rate:
Serving Officers:
- Life assurance
- Personal accident
- Sick pay (Regulation 28)
- Best Doctors
- Firearm Assault
- Stabbing Assault
- Court Award Compensation
- Legal expenses
- RAC UK and European Cover
- Care First Counselling Service
- Mobile Phone and Gadget Cover
- Travel insurance (included up to age 65)
- Critical Illness (Additional premium required)
- Red Arc Assistance (If paying into Critical Illness)
Retired Officers:
- Life assurance
- Personal accident
- Best Doctors
- Legal expenses
- RAC UK and European Cover
- Travel insurance (included up to age 65) **
- Care First Counselling Service
** Travel Insurance available to purchase separately from Police Federation from age 65 - 70)
Retired Officers aged 70+
- Best Doctors
- Legal Expenses
- Care First Counselling Service
- RAC UK and European Cover
How can I join the scheme ?
Serving Officers -
Application forms to join the Scheme are available under "downloadable forms"
Complete in full and return to your Federation Office.
If you require any further information, please contact your Federation Office.
Retired Officers - membership required prior to retiring - cover not available otherwise
Existing scheme members
Welcome and thank you for joining the Staffordshire Police Federation Group Insurance Scheme, which has been arranged by George Burrows.
Should you have any queries relating to your policy, please contact the Staffordshire Police Federation Office.
How to make a claim
If you do need to make a claim, please contact the Staffordshire Police Federation Office for a claim form and return it to them once completed.
For travel claims only, please call 01243 621416
Policy documents – for existing members of the scheme
A copy of the Travel policy is available under "downloadable forms"
Important information
Life assurance
One important issue members should be aware of is that the life assurance scheme is administered under a Trust Deed. The disbursements of the death benefits are at the sole discretion of the Trustees. The Trustees have a legal duty to comply with their obligations under the terms of the Trust Deed. It is therefore extremely important that officers inform the Federation office of any change in nominated beneficiaries.
George Burrows is a trading name of Arthur J Gallagher Insurance Brokers Limited, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered Office: Spectrum Building, 7th Floor, 55 Blythswood Street, Glasgow, G2 7AT. Registered in Scotland. Company Number: SC108909