National Police Federation
How Are We Organised?
- There are 43 police forces in England and Wales. Each is a branch of the Police Federation and negotiates directly with the Chief Officer and the Police Authority. Normally, the national Chairman will not comment to the media on a local matter which does not have national implications, and such enquiries should be directed to the local Federation
- All Federation officials, local and national, are elected for three year terms and are eligible for re-election when a term expires. An annual conference is held each year, usually in May.
- All Branch Boards and Committees of the Federation have a reserved seat for a woman.
- The Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer of the Joint Central Committee are elected by the Committee from among its members.
Local Police Federation
As you will no doubt already be aware Staffordshire Police Federation Headquarters is locally based at Hearn Court, Rising Brook, Stafford. We have three full time police members and two support staff. We also have locally based representatives in all divisions.
The aim of the Federation is to ensure that officers access the appropriate representation in relation to discipline allegations and procedures, misconduct, unsatisfactory performances and Regulation 50 (Dismissal of Probationers during probationary period), grievance interviews and any other issues affecting the welfare of officers.
We are linked in to the national Federation network and are able to access expert advice on a whole range of issues from police discipline to member services.
Locally, we have LPT representatives who should be the first point of contact for our members. They will resolve issues where possible and are able to forward un-resolvable matters to us here at Hearn Court, where they can be progressed. Some of our local representatives have been expertly trained in the fields of discipline, health and safety and equal opportunities, and are able to give advice on regulations and at least guide officers to proper advice where necessary.
Our advice to members seeking Federation assistance would be to first approach their local representative and where necessary contact Hearn Court.
The site gives details of all local representatives and other contact numbers, which you will find on the relevant pages.