Staffordshire Police Federation secretary Glyn Pattinson has revealed he voted against a motion to increase subscription fees for members.
Glyn says he feels it is wrong to put up subs at a time when officers are struggling due to the combined effects of the cost of living crisis and a real term 20 per cent pay cut over the last decade.
The increase will be in line with any pay increase for officers in 2022/2023 announced by the Government.
“We heard that there were some financial issues within the Federation that needed to be addressed and, of course, I agree that these need to be considered but we are all fully aware of the difficulties our members are facing. During conference, we heard of officers who are having to borrow money from their parents just to make ends meet and others who are relying on food banks,” says Glyn.
“I just think it is wrong for us to put up subs when we know our members are struggling.
“But the issue was fully debated and there was a vote. The majority of delegates voted on the increase so a democratic decision was made. However, for me, we should have looked at other options and where efficiencies could be made within the Federation – just as people are looking at whether they can cut their own personal outgoings.
“As a branch, we will now consider this decision. As ever, we are here to help any officer who finds they are having financial difficulties; we know this can have a huge impact on their wellbeing. We can help them access support and no one should hesitate to get in touch with us if they are feeling under pressure.”
After the conference motion yesterday, 221 delegates voted for a rise in subscription costs, with 170 voting against.
A Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) statement said: “With the current cost of living crisis, last year’s pay freeze and without knowing if our members will receive an increase in their pay this year or not, now is not the time to increase Police Federation of England and Wales subscriptions.
“PFEW, however, is also facing increased costs. Soaring inflation, upcoming litigation and the financial health of our National Reserves Fund means we need to at least start to have an open and honest conversation on this subject with Federation representatives to make sure that there is a strong, viable Federation fighting for our members for years to come.”
The Federation said the conference gave the perfect opportunity to open the conversation surrounding subscription rates, which have only increased once in the last decade.
The statement continued: “On such an important issue, PFEW took the view conference delegates should be given the opportunity to hear the rationale for any proposed future increase in subscriptions immediately.
“We care passionately about the views of our members which is why hearing from delegates at conference – their representatives – on this matter was vital. On that basis, it was agreed to bring a motion to conference this year for discussion.”
The conference motion looked at future options for an increase in subscriptions on the basis that it would only be introduced once it has been confirmed by the Government that members will receive a pay increase.
As a result of the motion, the conference supported increasing the rate of all types of Federation subscriptions effective from 1 September 2022, in line with the percentage uplift to police pay for 2022/2023.