The Police Federation’s third and final Election Café event takes place next week with members who register and attend in line for a free gift.
The informal online chat ahead of the Federation’s triennial elections which start in July is designed to showcase how reps and self-organised groups are vital in supporting members.
The Election Café event is part of the ongoing Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) Reps@Work campaign which highlights the incredible work reps do.
Staffordshire Police Federation branch secretary Glyn Pattinson said: “With the Police Federation elections process starting next month, this event will be timely for any member who is perhaps considering putting themselves forward as a rep.
“We really hope as many officers as possible take advantage of this opportunity to gain an insight into how Fed reps can make a real difference by supporting and representing colleagues during difficult times in their careers.
“Following on from that, we hope more officers will consider standing in the elections and we would particularly urge those from under-represented groups to consider seeking a Federation role so that we can be more representative of the membership.”
The Election Café will be open from 6pm until 7.30pm on Tuesday 1 June.
To register, please email