Dear Colleague,

Further to my letter of 29th April.

At the first meeting of both sides of the PNB Working Group to consider police officer pensions on Wednesday 2nd May, the Official Side informed us that whilst some of the information in the letter of 27th March from the Home Secretary had been marked ‘restricted’, this should not have been the case. They apologised for the error and confirmed that the information provided could now be circulated.

I therefore forward the Home Secretary’s letter for your information, together with a letter to me from the Home Office outlining details of accrued pension rights for the 1987 Pension Scheme (PDF links below).

When considering the information contained within this correspondence it is important to understand that we are now entering an extensive period of consultation on these proposals and will be providing a formal response to the Home Secretary’s letter by 22nd June. Whilst it is difficult for me to provide you with any certainty about the future police pension scheme at this time, I can assure you that with the support of our advisors we will be doing our very best for the future pensions of police officers.

It is important that you help us influence both the future of Police Pensions and the wider debate on the government’s policing agenda and it’s detrimental impact on the service by attending the march in London on 10 May.

I look forward to seeing you then.


Ian Rennie

General Secretary
Police Federation of E&W

Home Secretary Letter to John Randall PNB - Long Term Reform Of Police Pensions (PDF)

Home Office Letter to Ian Rennie - Accrued Pension Rights (PDF)